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no follow links


Sorry, this is the most basic question!
I keep seeing “no follow” links mentioned. What on earth does this mean? How do I know whether my link or someone elses is no follow or not?


No-Follow means that you don't vouch for the site that you're linking to. It also doesn't allow your Domain and Page Authority (the strength aspect to your site) to pass along to that site. The No-Follow designation was born out of Comment Spam getting out of control. So if someone left a comment that was a link to a Viagra site, the No-Follow wouldn't reward that site with greater Page Authority. So when you're building links, finding websites that have No-Follow disabled are your friends because they will pass along Page Authority. To find out whether a site has No-Follow disabled, you will need to get an extension for Chrome or Firefox. These extensions will highlight No-Followed and Followed links so you can tell which is which. By default WordPress sites have them set to No-Follow. You can remove this by using a plugin. There are a few out there, and some work better than others. If you do remove the No-Follow from your site, feel free to submit it in our list of sites that remove No-Follow so people can come comment on your site.