Hey! This may be too specific to be helpful for the majority of your readers, but I thought I would ask you anyway. 🙂
What are the SEO merits of creating a WordPress custom “venue” taxonomy for “Certain Venue” verses using the standard age-old blog tagging to tag a post with “Certain Venue”? It seems like with most themes, both archive pages look similar and have similar titles but is one better than the other?
Hi Jon,
There really is no substantial difference between a custom Taxonomy and Tags or Categories. Unless you create a unique Template File for that custom Taxonomy, they use the same Archive Template.
I do believe that the data should be organized properly though, and I prefer using a Taxonomy for Venues or Vendors over Tags. In fact, I prefer using Custom Post Types for this sort of thing. But that's a more advanced WordPress function. It is something we do when setting up our custom sites with certain clients.
If you want to learn more about that, feel free to hit me up on Twitter or Facebook.