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Getting Noticed in 2015 – Permalink Settings

Intro | Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Q&A

If you are changing your Permalinks on a NEW WordPress site, you only need to do the first step.

If you have an older WordPress install and you are changing your Permalinks, you must do the second step.
The link to the Yoast Redirect Generator is

If you have questions after any of the videos, feel free to pop into our Secret Facebook Group.

And if you’re ready to get into it, here’s Week 2

Additional Videos to watch

We’re setting up a few different plugins and settings this week. So you’ll want to watch the following videos as well:

WordPress SEO by Yoast – Learn to set up your SEO plugin properly.

Google Webmaster Tools – We’ll get a Sitemap setup so your site can communicate to communicate toe GWMTs more effectively.

Google Analytics – We’ll connect your site to your Google Analytics account so all the traffic on your site is being tracked.